Thorpe Times
Thorpe Morieux is served by a printed magazine distributed every two months on behalf of the Parish. The magazine is delivered to around 100 homes in the village by hand and is printed locally by Community Workshop.
History of Thorpe Times
The magazine was started in 1998 by Frances and Roland Bee and they were soon joined by Barbara Paris, the late Liz Morley and Jasmin Gagen. The magazine was designed to connect the community and raise awareness of local issues and events in a time before social media and Internet connectivity was the norm. The magazine still performs an important role in connecting the village as akin to many rural villages, Thorpe Morieux has suffered with poor Internet connectivity and exists in the last 5% of the UK to be provisioned with superfast broadband. You can read a fuller article in the Local Features section of the site entitled How the Thorpe Times began written by founding editors Frances and Roland Bee.
We recently published our 126th edition and continue our tradition of keeping the village connected to what’s happening as well as publishing articles on village life of interest to our readership. We are funded by regular advertising and a grant from the Parish Council.
If you wish to submit material or an event for the magazine, please email In your email, please indicate whether you wish to retain copyright for your submission where appropriate.
The magazine assumes that contributors will own or have permission to use any materials submitted and accepts submissions in good faith on this basis.
Please be advised that long form articles appearing in print will also be used on the website unless contributors only grant publication in the printed magazine.
The copy deadline is the 12th of the month bimonthly – all submission deadlines for the year ahead are marked in the village calendar.
Should you be interested in advertising, you will find formats, contacts and insertion costs below.
Editorial Team
The magazine is published and edited on behalf of Thorpe Morieux Parish by Sue Cowper, Cathy Hobbs, Heather Boisseau, Amber & Jules O’Brien.
Contact the Editorial Team
For submissions, please email and to contact a member of the editorial team, please use the details below:
Sue Cowper: 01284 828 436
Cathy Hobbs: 01284 827 495
Heather Boisseau: 01284 827 424
Amber/Jules O’Brien: 07809 774 404
Advertising & Distribution
Advertising and distribution is managed by Jasmin Gagen. If you have any queries, please contact Jasmin on 01284 827 039.
Commercial advertising space is available in the magazine as follows:
Two line advert: Free of charge.
Quarter page: £30 per annum.
The magazine provides free advertising space for charity events at the discretion of the editors.
Publication Deadlines
The magazine is published every two months. Please refer to the Village Calendar for further details.