Thorpe Morieux Parish Council represent the interests of the entire community. The Parish Council can provide views on planning applications and other proposals that impact the parish, undertake projects that benefit local residents, work in partnership with others to benefit the parish, advise relevant authorities of problems or actions required and help the other tiers of local government to engage with and understand their local communities to ensure decision making is informed and in the best interests of Thorpe Morieux.


If you would like to raise a matter at the meeting, a Public Forum section is reserved on the Agenda and the Parish Council would be happy to consider any matters that are raised within this time allocation.  It may be that any issues raised will need to be carried over to the following meeting, and will appear as an Agenda item at that subsequent meeting.

You can also raise any issues of concern by contacting our Parish Clerk, Sarah Headland at  The correspondence can then be discussed at a Parish Council meeting.

Meeting Dates 2024

11th January

14th March

9th May

18th July

8th August

12th September

14th November

Meeting Dates 2025

9th January

13th March

8th May

10th July

8th August

11th September

13th November